Household and Crafts
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars
Household toys and toys for crafts
Hardly any activity arouses as much interest in children as the everyday household tasks that they can always admire their parents doing. But children don't just want to stand by and watch their parents do it, they always want to lend a hand themselves. However, it is not always easy for the little ones to help out, because this "help" often means extra work for the parents. But with toys such as irons, cleaning utensils, hoovers and handicraft benches, these wishes of the little ones are met exactly. They can finally get started themselves and act like grown-ups without parents having to worry about whether their little ones might hurt themselves or break things in the process. And by the way, when the son or daughter goes around the house with his or her own toy hoover, mum or dad can take it easy. This also makes it more fun for parents to do the necessary things around the house.
Cleaning, ironing and handicrafts - just like the grown-ups
Children's favourite activity is to emulate their parents and other caregivers. But not all activities are suitable for children. With the toys in the Household & Crafts section, children can imitate adults in everyday situations to their heart's content.
Whether it's hammering away on the workbench, screwing things together or using the children's cordless screwdriver to screw in or pull out screws, there are no limits to the imagination. Children grow out of themselves and feel great when you can act like the grown-ups. They learn new things and skills by acting out and imitating activities. With our toys, they can do just that and they are also completely safe because they are quality toys.
Children learn particularly well and intensively when they play. When you reenact normal activities from everyday life, they learn how everyday life works without much effort. There are irons and even entire ironing stations where your child can iron its doll's clothes or even its own clothes in play without danger.
Maybe your child would also like to help you clean. But even if the risk of injury is not quite so great with brooms and scrubbing brushes, the real cleaning tools are much too big for small children's hands. The toy cleaning set provides a remedy here.
In this way, children learn to take responsibility from the very beginning and also that household chores and crafts are part of daily life. All the senses are stimulated during play and the imagination is given wings.
You will be amazed what new stories your child will come up with again and again when the household and handicraft toys are used. These are the toys that really never get boring and do not disappear in some corner of the child's room.
Quality is important to us and is written in capital letters. All toys in the household and handicrafts area are made of particularly good and durable quality, so that even siblings will enjoy them.