A Recaro pram is suitable for any terrain
Many parents consider buying a pushchair long before their baby is born, in order to be able to transport their little ones safely. A RECARO pushchair is suitable for newborns, babies and toddlers up to the age of four. The reason for the long use is the possibility to tailor each pushchair to the individual needs of a family and the baby.
The difference between a pram and a buggy
First of all, parents have the choice between a classic pram and a buggy. The manoeuvrable buggy has small wheels and is easy to fold. It is ideal for short journeys, in heavy traffic, on asphalted roads and when using public transport. With its foam-filled wheels and all-wheel suspension, the buggy provides a smooth driving experience. Uneven ground is compensated for. Both buggies and pushchairs from RECARO are characterised by selected quality. The company also pays attention to pollutant-free textiles that are robust and resistant, to soft padding and to exceeding all standards for children's products. A pram has many faces
At RECARO, a pushchair can be transformed according to the particular family situation. The muscles, cartilage and bones of newborns and babies are still soft and cannot hold the head. They should be transported lying down in a baby bath or in a baby nest. While the tub offers babies a lot of free space and is pleasantly cool in summer due to the free air circulation, the nest is cosy and warm and can also be used as a foot sack for toddlers. From the age of nine months, babies can usually sit and lift their heads on their own. Now the seat unit can be used for the pram and the little ones can discover the world from the secured position of the pram. The swivelling handlebar grip makes it possible to drive in the direction of travel or against it. If there is eye contact with the parents, toddlers often feel safer and communication is intensified. In the direction of travel, the toddlers see the surroundings and begin to name them. If the little ones get tired from looking, the backrest can be adjusted continuously and they can take a nap. The footrest can also be lowered. To prevent the sun from shining in the little ones' faces, all prams come with a large sun canopy. Safety in the car with RECARO
In addition to the safety of the production and materials of the pushchairs, RECARO pays attention to protective equipment. A 5-point harness system is available on the seat units or the buggies, as well as a safety bar to prevent the little ones from falling out. The handlebars and harnesses are softly padded. The pushchairs can be prevented from rolling away with a parking brake. The brake is easy to operate with the foot. To prevent the little ones from overheating in the prams, mesh inserts on the sides of the seat covers ensure good air circulation. To transport a pram in the car, it can be folded with one hand to a small pack size. The large shopping basket underneath the seat or reclining area makes shopping with the baby easier or holds the toys, spare clothes or favourite cuddly toy on a trip to the playground. If the cover or the frame of the pram become dirty, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth or warm soapy water.