Pram 2 children
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The twin pram
In order to meet all challenges when out and about, parents with twins should use a twin pushchair. This combines two prams in one and offers space for two children at the same time. However, the pram for two children is not only suitable for twins, but also for siblings with a small age difference. That is why this pushchair is also called a sibling pushchair. The children can be placed next to each other to discover the exciting world together. This pushchair can be used to transport children of the same age or siblings with a small age difference.
This makes a visit to the doctor, shopping or a stroll through the park very easy. It doesn't matter whether you choose a two-seater or a tandem, both are ideal for transporting children. In a double-seater the children sit or lie next to each other, in a tandem behind each other. Most pushchairs are foldable and can therefore be easily transported in the car.
On the road in a double pack
While the double-seater is the classic pram for twins, a tandem pram is narrower and therefore has maximum manoeuvrability. The disadvantage of the double-seater is the width of the pram, because there must be room for two children next to each other. The seats in the tandem are placed one behind the other, so although it is longer, it remains as narrow as a conventional pram. The double pushchair can also be equipped with pushchair accessories, such as seat covers or lambskin for the cold winter, just like a normal pushchair. You should also have suitable spare parts ready for the sibling pushchair.
Prams for twins are offered by various manufacturers; when buying, you should always look for high-quality workmanship and robust materials to ensure a long service life.