stroller transport bag
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Well packed
The practical transport bags are made of robust fabric and protect your buggy or pram from dirt and scratches. Especially if you want to take your pram with you on a journey in the plane, a padded transport bag is highly recommended.
Often people are not as careful as they would like to be when transporting their beloved pram, after all, you don't want to start your holiday with it only to have to worry about a damaged pram.
Some of the transport bags are equipped with wheels so that the securely packed pram can be pulled comfortably. The bags made for smaller buggies have practical carrying handles. All bags can be folded up to save space when not in use.
The pram bags are also suitable for travelling by car or for storing the pram until it can be used again with the next child. You can store your pram in the bags in a space-saving way and it remains optimally protected. Unzip, put the pram in and off you go!
Pushchair care
To keep your pram looking good and as good as new for a long time, you should pay attention to certain things. In addition to regular cleaning, maintenance is also a big issue. Wheels in particular wear out quickly when you are out and about a lot. Check the tyres regularly and replace them if necessary.
Screws and brackets should also be checked at regular intervals. This is the only way to guarantee 100% safety for your baby. You should always have the most important spare parts at hand. Another advantage of taking good care of your pram is that you can give it away, donate it or sell it in good condition if you no longer need it.