Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars
Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars
Furniture for baby and children's rooms and other children's furniture.
In this category we have put together all the furniture you will be looking for so that your babies, toddlers and also older children have everything they need, adapted to their age. To make it easier for you to search for specific furniture for children and children's rooms, we have created various sub-categories for you.
Complete baby and children's rooms
In our sub-category baby rooms you will find complete room furnishings with everything you need, from the changing table to the baby cot, chests of drawers and wardrobes. Some of these baby rooms are particularly suitable for refurnishing a nursery when a new arrival is to be born. But you will also find nursery furnishings in this category that are well suited for older children or teenagers.
Our subcategories to complement your nursery furnishings
Our customers are not always looking for an entire nursery. You can therefore search for specific pieces of furniture in our sub-categories. We have put together sub-categories for children's beds, special conversion parts for children's rooms, children's wardrobes, high and wall shelves and various other children's room furniture for you.
Small children need small furniture
Our sub-category for play furniture is primarily intended for children who are still rather small. The large pieces of furniture for adults are usually much too high for children of this age. It is simply better to play when chairs, armchairs, tables and more have been adapted to the height of children. Take your time to look around here in search of play furniture. You are sure to find something suitable for your children.
The right desk when it's time to go to school
When children reach the age of going to school, they also need a suitable desk where they can do their homework well. We have also created an extra category for children's room desks, where you can choose the right desk for your schoolchild at your leisure. If you still have questions, we will of course be happy to help you with your selection.
Our sub-categories in the living room and parents' room
Especially babies sometimes do not yet sleep in their own children's room, but near their parents. In our sub-category you will find, for example, beautiful bassinets if your baby is to sleep with you in the living room. For the parents' room, we have put together special attachments or side beds and more for you.
What you can expect under the terms changing and staying
Sometimes only a changing table is needed when a new arrival is expected because all the other furniture is still from the already older children in the house. In our sub-category Changing, we have therefore mainly put together changing tables and matching chests of drawers and utensils for you. The sub-category Staying, on the other hand, concentrates on everything to do with playpens, because at a certain age children sometimes need security when playing, when mum has to do something in the household or in the kitchen in peace.
Finally, we hope you enjoy browsing through our category for children's room furniture. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team. We will of course be happy to help you.