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Follow-on milk

From when can babies be given follow-on milk 1, 2 and 3?

Follow-on milk 1 can be fed to babies from birth. It is slightly thicker than the pre-milk because it contains more starch. If parents feel that the pre-milk no longer satisfies the baby sufficiently, they can switch to follow-on milk 1. Follow-on milk 1 also contains only slightly more calories than the pre-milk. Nevertheless, the prescribed drinking amount should be adhered to.

Follow-on milk 2 can be given to babies from the age of six months. Before this time, babies should not be fed follow-on milk 2. Follow-on milk 2 contains more protein than follow-on milk 1 and could put a strain on the baby's kidneys. However, formula 2 is far more satisfying than previous formula because of its higher protein content. It also contains additional nutrients and other sugars.

From about one year of age, babies can tolerate follow-on milk 3, which is an alternative to cow's milk, which is tolerated from then on.

How much baby milk do babies need?

As a guideline, babies should eat about one sixth of their body weight per day.

No more than 230 millilitres should be fed at each meal. This could exceed the stomach capacity.

From the first to the fifth month of life, babies should eat around 500 kilocalories and 800 millilitres of fluid per day. From the sixth to the twelfth month of life, it is 700 kilocalories and one litre of fluid per day. If babies show that they do not want to drink, they should not be forced to, because in this case they might be full. In case of fever or high temperatures, babies should be given more fluids in the form of water, tea or milk.

Can babies be fed breast milk and formula at the same time?

Of course, babies benefit from breast milk. However, sometimes it is more impractical or simply not possible to feed the baby exclusively on breast milk. So-called dual-milk feeding is often resorted to. Some babies are also not sufficiently satiated by breast milk. A bottle with only one hole is suitable for feeding the baby with a bottle, as this is the closest to drinking from the breast.

Can breast milk be substituted by cow's milk?

Breast milk cannot be substituted for cow's milk. The nutrient and protein content is tailored to calves and not to human babies. If feeding with breast milk is not possible, follow-on milk, for example from Aptamil, HiPP or Holle goat's milk. At best, organic formula milk should be used.

From the age of twelve months, formula milk can also be mixed with cow's milk, provided the baby is not allergic to cow's milk.

Should you feed your baby follow-on milk?

From around the sixth month, babies become particularly active. In order to be able to pursue its drive, it needs an adequate supply of nutrients. Since milk is the main source of nutrition in the first year of a baby's life, it is advisable to offer the baby some form of formula at least twice a day in addition to complementary food.